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The American Taliban

On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Gov. Sean Parnell nominated one Don Haase for inclusion on the panel that appoints state judges. Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal except for the fact that during his nomination hearing Mr. Haase testified that he would like to see Alaskans prosecuted for having sex outside the confines of marriage.


Yes, you heard correctly. Mr. Don Haase (pronounced "Hays") would like to see Alaskans prosecuted for having extramarital sex. A known activist for ultra-conservative values and agendas, he is a member of the Eagle Forum Alaska which advocates for the implementation of laws designed to govern the most intimate aspects of American's lives.

I am not kidding.

Mr. Haase then went on to explain the logic behind his extreme position, and stated that the reason why he believes that extramarital sex should be criminalized is because, and I quote:

"I think that would be up to the voters certainly. If it came before (the state) as a vote, I probably would vote for it ... I can see where it would be a matter for the state to be involved with because of the spread of disease and the likelihood that it would cause violence. I can see legitimate reasons to push that as a crime."


First of all, I'd like to find out how on Earth they're even going to enforce this, not to mention the fact that such a law completely undermines everything our Constitution stands for. Plus, it just happens to violate the separation of church and state, and is akin to throwing money down a rat hole since vital resources needed to deal with actual crimes being committed by actual criminals would be diverted towards a police force of Peeping Toms roaming the streets looking for fornicators. Also, I'd like to point out to Mr. Haase that this is a Democracy, not a Theocracy, not a Dictatorship, and certainly not a place where any sane individual is going to tolerate being thrown in jail for having sex. What next, outlawing condoms as illegal contraband?

This is the same theocratic logic used to justify anti-sodomy laws which were still in place in this country until June 26, 2003 when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 6-3 that laws governing the practice were unconstitutional. I say "theocratic logic" because the basis of these laws stemmed from the literal interpretation of the Story of Lot in Genesis of the Bible where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their sexual immorality. One problem, the word "sodomy" wasn't associated with anal sex until the 6th century A.D. when the Roman Emperor Justinian I decided that Sodom's sin was specifically "same-sex activities and the desire for them". Justinian I also went on to blame homosexuality for famines, earthquakes, and pestilences. Keep in mind, at this period in history people used to think all diseases were caused by sin, curses, devils, and relied on a variety of questionable cures which included making an incision in the side of a person's head and inserting a piece of garlic inside the wound in order to treat migraines.

However, let's take a step back, and look at that Eagle Forum Alaska group that Mr. Haase belongs to. On their blog they praised the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder for signing into law a bill that criminalizes adultery. At first glance, it doesn't seem like a big deal until you read further, and find out that it counts as first-degree criminal sexual misconduct. What does that mean? It means in the State of Michigan, adultery is a felony punishable by life in prison.

Again, I am not kidding. 

First of all, this is America, and as an American I have protection under the law from the government through the Constitution. According to that document upon which this great nation is founded upon, I have the inalienable right to privacy, the inalienable right to protection from unlawful searches and seizures, and most of all as an American citizen I have the ability through the Democratic process to hire my elected officials and fire my elected officials at the polls. Not to mention, recalling or impeaching an elected official who has failed to uphold the ideologies and Democratic philosophies that have made us the strongest and greatest country on Earth. That said, a message needs to be sent to the Governor of Michigan that the people of that state will not tolerate the government's infringement and invasion of their personal lives, less and only their sex lives. 

What right does the government have to regulate or legislate a sexual situation between two consenting adults that is more the business of the couple and a marriage counselor, and less that of the police department and the local prosecutor?

Seriously, this is America, not some country where the mere mention of individual rights and sovereignty can get you disappeared, executed, and tossed in some nameless ditch in the middle of the night for committing a perceived act of treason against the current regime. Yet, is that where we are headed as a nation since Americans are allowing the passage of laws that are clear violations of personal privacy and individual rights? Is that where we are headed since Americans are no longer policing their elected officials, and allowing them to basically take a jar of white out to their Constitutional rights?

Think about it.
I encourage each and every one of you who read "The Back Porch" to call Gov. Sean Parnell's office at (907) 465.3500, and tell him that in the State of Alaska we will not stand for the appointment of a candidate who would undermine out Constitutional rights in the name of perpetuating the agendas and beliefs of a minority group who would supersede those rights in the name of religious tyranny and oppression. The Salem Witch Trials ended hundreds of years ago, marking a dark period in our history where religiosity led to the deaths of thousands of innocents. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes in order to avoid repeating them, and with that in mind do we really need to waste money and resources on a modern day witch hunt for people having sex outside of marriage?



Don Haase Wants To Appoint Judges and Make Extramarital Sex Illegal

In Michigan Cheating On Your Spouse Can Put You In Jail for LIFE

Eagle Forum Alaska Blog

Sodomy Laws Repealed and Overturned in the United States

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