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Leftists, Communists, and Liars

It's no secret that right now our country is embroiled in a series of legislative acts that have less to do with the appropriate management of America's fiscal resources, and everything in common with forcing others to comply with extreme interpretations of religious rhetoric as part of a none-to-subtle attempt to turn this nation into a theocracy.  Naturally, activist organizations have sprung up right and left to mobilize the common man into a cohesive unit designed to take advantage of the remaining vestiges of Democracy, and oppose the purposeful oppression and sanction of those who are non-compliant with right wing agendas. Popular examples of these groups include MoveOn.org, FreePress.net, and Care2.com to name a few. They have been instrumental in providing information that would otherwise go unreported by the mainstream media, and while they do have a bias based on their political leanings their data has been accurate when cross-referenced and investigated by everyone from journalists to independent bloggers like myself.

Unfortunately, many doubt the veracity of their information, and believe it to be little more than a pack of leftist lies put forth by subversive elements who want to turn this country into a communist regime as part of their evil atheist and socialist agendas. While there is no evidence of this, it's what they're being told courtesy of the conservative news outlets across this great nation. If you think I'm kidding, read the following e-mail, but first let me put it into context. As an independent blogger, I'm able to remain politically active without the same constraints placed upon journalists who must avoid bias through actual or perceived lobbying on behalf of a politician or cause. 

Remind me to e-mail that sentence to the powers that be at Fox News.

Subsequently, when I receive e-mail alerts from one of the organizations I just mentioned, I typically send them out in order to gain support from others in order to support the grassroots movements designed to tell our elected officials that we the people will now allow them to run roughshod over us. Our government is by the people and for the people, which means that we hire our elected officials through the voting process, and fire them through impeachment or recall proceedings. With that in mind, when a cause comes along that targets those who would abuse their positions I support it. Earlier this week, I received the following action alert:

Dear Ryan,

What kind of country cuts food aid to hungry pregnant women and children in the middle of an economic crisis—while giving a giant tax break to billionaires?

Seriously. WTF?!

The Republicans are winning the battle over the budget, hands down, even though what they're fighting for is, put simply, immoral. A cut of at least $400 million from a crucial program that puts food on the table for pregnant women and small children. Crippling the EPA. Completely eliminating funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, AmeriCorps, and high-speed rail.1 

Instead of creating jobs, the Republican budget would destroy 700,000 of them. Our only hope is a public outcry strong enough to stiffen Democrats' spines and cause Republicans to back down.

The petition says: "Cutting food aid to hungry women and children in the middle of an economic crisis is wrong. Please oppose the devastating cuts in the Republican budget."

Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Joan, Adam Q., Milan, and the rest of the team
1. "House GOP Proposes Cuts to Scores of Sacred Cows," National Journal, February 9, 2011

This message was sent by MoveOn.org, and I forwarded it to the majority of my e-mail list. Roughly thirty minutes later, I was given this response from one of the recipients:


Please take me off your email list, especially this leftist, commie blog/PAC, MOVE ON .ORG, Please do not ever insult my religious beliefs and think that Christians  worldwide do not support and defend the poor and helpless.  Remember, the adage, give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish he will eat for life.  You have been very misinformed, the federal government is not your teacher nor your fisherman!!

That's strange, I don't recall claiming that my government is my teacher and fisherman. I also don't recall seeing that in the alert I sent out. Yet, that was the assumption of the individual in question, and their statement that the information is part of some leftist and communist agenda is a sign that they're the ones who are misinformed courtesy of the popular conservative rhetoric bouncing around the airwaves.

Progressives are demonized as liars and commies, yet Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, and others are the golden standard of truth and ethics in news reporting? Last I checked not only do these individuals engage in actions that are in direct opposition to their purported adherence to the Christian faith, with the exception of Beck who is Mormon, but routinely put forth information that when reviewed by independent researchers turns out to be heavily skewed and rife with false data. Examples? I direct your attention to Exhibit A where Bill O'Reilly went on national television, and claimed that kidnapping and molestation victim Shawn Hornbeck enjoyed his four years of captivity with abductor Michael Devlin. Even though authorities found evidence that Hornbeck and co-prisoner Ben Ownby were routinely beaten and sodomized, O'Reilly claimed that Hornbeck stayed because he didn't have to "obey any rules", and didn't have to "go to school".

Interesting. A child is going to choose a life of humiliation, rape, verbal and physical abuse, and psychological terror over school and a structured environment.

I could go on and on about all of the different examples of poor judgment, behavior, and reporting connected just to the individuals I have named. Yet, the point of the matter is that millions of people rely on the information broadcast on their respective networks, web sites, blogs, and so forth in order to make informed and educated decision about the political future of their state and country. Unfortunately,there are those in power who would use that access to engage in psychological warfare, and manipulate the masses in order to gather support for their own agendas. One would ask why people aren't hip to this trick, yet how could they when they've been raised since birth to believe that these people are right, and anyone who doesn't 100% agree with or behave as they do are evil and wrong? Add in character defamation, purposeful editing (James O'Keefe), disinformation, blatant lies, and skewing of scientific and statistical data and you have people just like the ones contained in that e-mail I posted.

Loyal, faithful, and incapable of forming an independent thought. Not to mention lacking the will or ability to question those who are in power, or checking up on the people providing them with the information they're basing their decisions and very lives upon. Last I checked, Christ had a name for people who manipulate and use others in the fashions I've described, and a warning to boot according to Luke 12:1:

"...Beware the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy."

Think he was onto something?


Bill O'Reilly Claims Kidnapping and Molestation Victim Enjoyed Capture (1)

Bill O'Reilly Defends Statement That Kidnapping and Molestation Victim Enjoyed Caputre (2)




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