April Fool's!
Admittedly, my heading is in jest, but the Alaska Tea Party Patriots are dead serious. Last night I came across a post advertising a site advocating for the recall of Sen. Mark Begich. I clicked on it, and guess what? It was legit, and features statements that are the epitome of character assassination. I am a firm supporter of First Amendment rights, but there is a fine line between free speech, and open defamation which is the nature of this site. I am an open supporter of Mark, which means I have a bias, and I am impressed with his accomplishments as Mayor of Anchorage. However, my support isn't the result of blind idolization, instead it comes from an awareness of his character, integrity, and track record for voting in favor of programs and events that supported first the people of Anchorage, and now America as a whole.
Unlike our current mayor, Dan Sullivan, Mark didn't spend the first few months in office besmirching the former administration of George Wuerch, or allocate $50,000 in taxpayer monies to hire a forensic auditor to find nonexistent fiscal misconduct. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves, and got to work lowering the city's debt from $33 million dollars to $20 million by the time he stepped down to assume his role as senator. Now that he's in that position, he has consistently voted for bills that support economic growth, health care, jobs, and other necessities this country needs in order to recover from our latest economic recession. You can see this for yourself on Project Vote Smart, and Begich's website which lists his legislative actions since advancing to the Senate.
His actions speak louder than the vitriol being launched against his character, and if there was any malversation in the Begich administration I'd be the first to report it here on The Back Porch regardless of his being a Progressive. Why? Because it is time that both Americans and Alaskans realize that name-calling, threats, defamation, and adolescent behavior is not going to make a single bit of difference in the long run. Instead, the focus should be on the issues, on whether or not a person is conducting themselves within the confines of their political job description, and whether or not that person has committed acts that are a violation of the ethics and regulations governing that position. That is what matters, not calling them a "socialist" or a "bozo" which is the M.O. of individuals such as Lt. Gubernatorial candidate Eddie Burke of the "maggot-eating baby killers" fame.
If Begich has misappropriate funds, abused his political position, or violated ethical codices and regulations, fine, recall him. However, if petitions for his impeachment are merely a knee-jerk reaction spawned by malevolent individuals preying on the fear and ignorance of others then no, and let the man do his job.
The Recall Site For Mark
Mark's Voting Record
Mark's Senatorial Website Also Featuring His Voting Record
The Alaska Tea Part Patriots Website With Link To Recall Site
Admittedly, my heading is in jest, but the Alaska Tea Party Patriots are dead serious. Last night I came across a post advertising a site advocating for the recall of Sen. Mark Begich. I clicked on it, and guess what? It was legit, and features statements that are the epitome of character assassination. I am a firm supporter of First Amendment rights, but there is a fine line between free speech, and open defamation which is the nature of this site. I am an open supporter of Mark, which means I have a bias, and I am impressed with his accomplishments as Mayor of Anchorage. However, my support isn't the result of blind idolization, instead it comes from an awareness of his character, integrity, and track record for voting in favor of programs and events that supported first the people of Anchorage, and now America as a whole.
Unlike our current mayor, Dan Sullivan, Mark didn't spend the first few months in office besmirching the former administration of George Wuerch, or allocate $50,000 in taxpayer monies to hire a forensic auditor to find nonexistent fiscal misconduct. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves, and got to work lowering the city's debt from $33 million dollars to $20 million by the time he stepped down to assume his role as senator. Now that he's in that position, he has consistently voted for bills that support economic growth, health care, jobs, and other necessities this country needs in order to recover from our latest economic recession. You can see this for yourself on Project Vote Smart, and Begich's website which lists his legislative actions since advancing to the Senate.
His actions speak louder than the vitriol being launched against his character, and if there was any malversation in the Begich administration I'd be the first to report it here on The Back Porch regardless of his being a Progressive. Why? Because it is time that both Americans and Alaskans realize that name-calling, threats, defamation, and adolescent behavior is not going to make a single bit of difference in the long run. Instead, the focus should be on the issues, on whether or not a person is conducting themselves within the confines of their political job description, and whether or not that person has committed acts that are a violation of the ethics and regulations governing that position. That is what matters, not calling them a "socialist" or a "bozo" which is the M.O. of individuals such as Lt. Gubernatorial candidate Eddie Burke of the "maggot-eating baby killers" fame.
If Begich has misappropriate funds, abused his political position, or violated ethical codices and regulations, fine, recall him. However, if petitions for his impeachment are merely a knee-jerk reaction spawned by malevolent individuals preying on the fear and ignorance of others then no, and let the man do his job.
The Recall Site For Mark
Mark's Voting Record
Mark's Senatorial Website Also Featuring His Voting Record
The Alaska Tea Part Patriots Website With Link To Recall Site